The fantastic five

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Family Night Fun – yes, we are in a snow cave

A couple of weeks ago, the Priests in our ward built a snow cave and had an overnighter with the young men.  We went up to enjoy the finished product with some other families in our ward.  The caves were just past Aspen Grove/Sundance.  The pictures hardly do it justice.  It had 4 large rooms with an upstairs and downstairs and many entrances.  It was one of the coolest things we had ever seen. (granted we don’t get out much, but it was WAY cool, no pun intended).  They slept about 30 young men and leaders in it.  The hot chocolate was a highlight of the evening as well.  We were definitely happy to sleep in our cozy beds in our brick home that evening:)

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Dave as a Caveman.  Matthew actually asked me if I was alive with the cavemen.  I assured him I wasn’t, but his Dad may have been, just look at the picture he looks right at home.

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Of course we had to play in the snow while we were there.  The picture is fuzzy, but it was Matthew’s debut as a snowboarder (It looks like he learned something from all those evenings watching the Olympics – maybe the next Shawn White).


Brittney doing a little chillin at the bottom of the slope.

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Lindsey and Brittney with their friends.  (Jackson and Nicole Pitts, Rachel Sybrowsky and Malia Patching)


1 comment:

  1. don't mean to offend you, but I woulnd't sleep in that thing in a million years!
