The fantastic five

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Well, Dave’s parents came down to visit in April and Ali’s Dad had a FANTASTIC idea.  A Surprise Spam-sculpting Birthday party:)

It was a lot of fun.  Hannah Kropelicki happened to be in town visiting as well, so it was a great bonus to see her.  (She is coming down to BYU in the Fall and was scoping out the territory.


We broke into 2 teams:  Boys Vs. Girls.  Cute cousins Tara and Stephanie came to celebrate with us and we were grateful for their artistic contributions.

Each team was given 3 blocks of Spam and toothpicks (the smell was a little overwhelming).

spam 1

Hannah, Lindsey, Stephanie, Tara, Ali and Brittney go to town on their interpretation of…

spam 2

The Three Little Pigs. (notice the Big Bad Wolf and mailbox for added detail).

spam 4 

The Boys:  Matthew, Grandpa Conger, Matt, Grandpa Abbott, Matt’s friend Carly and Dave – quite the engineering team.

spam 3 

This is an amazing flying machine with radar and sonar systems like you wouldn’t believe.  Matthew has inherited the great love of his Grandpa and Dad of electronic equipment.

spam 5

Grammy and Nana were judges and both team won different aspects and awards.  What Grandmother doesn’t want everyone to go home feeling good about themselves?:)

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